Customs Information

Madeira - All


  • Shipments originating from Member state of European Community
  • No original documentation is required
  • Copy of passport or identification card
  •  Inventory of goods
  • Change of Residence
  • Baggage Certificate issued by the Portuguese Consulate at Origin with an inventory list written in Portuguese.
  •  Residence Certificate issued by the Parish Council in which the client’s residence is situated, stating he has been residing there for less than one year.
  •  Photocopy of passport
  •  Photocopy of Airline ticket
  •  Photocopy of Working Contract
  • Second Residence
  •  Baggage Certificate issued by the Portuguese Consulate at origin with an inventory list written in Portuguese stating that he’ll keep his residence at the origin country and that the goods have been in his possession for more than six (6) months.
  •  Photocopy of Predial Register on new house or the Rental Contract duly legalized by a Portuguese Public Notary.
  •  Photocopy of passport
  •  Photocopy of Airline ticket
  • Note: If the client is canceling a second residence at origin, the list of contents must state that items have been in his possession for more than twelve (12) months.


  • The Registration Certificate and Title of Property are required documents when importing a vehicle. Details of the vehicle such as make and registration number must be provided in advance. The vehicle must belong to the owner for at least six (6) months prior to arrival into Portugal. International driving license and duty free entry for the temporary import period of six (6) months exist during which definitive importation of the car must occur. If no definitive importation is performed, the vehicle must leave the country. Duties and taxes on the vehicle depend on the value of the vehicle in Portugal.


  • Narcotics
  • Drugs
  • Arms
  • Ammunition and Explosives