Customs Information
Hungary - Diplomat
- Import for Non-Hungarian Diplomatic person:
- copy of the diplomatic passport
- original power of attorney
- shipper’s mother’s maiden name
- original Protocol from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in Hungarian ’Vammentesitesi Kerelem’)
- original value statement statement (form to be provided by destination agent, please use depreciated value, as this value does NOT indicate the insurance replacement value. this document will be used for customs purposes only, if you have sea and air consignment please separately fill in the attached form for the two parts)
- copy of the visa
- Import for returning Hungarian Diplomatic person:
- copy of passport (page with the photo)
- copy of the Hungarian id card (both sides)
- copy of the Hungarian address card (both sides)
- copy of the Hungarian tax card
- original power of attorney
- original statement showing the household effects are in the shipper’s possession for more than 6 months
- copy of the utility bills for the last 12 months
- original duly signed work statement from the employer including the start and end dates of the employment and the address of the shipper in the country of origin
- original value statement statement (form to be provided by destination agent, please use depreciated value, as this value does NOT indicate the insurance replacement value. This document will be used for customs purposes only, if you have sea and air consignment please separately fill in the attached form for the two parts)
- copy of visa
- A person can have more shipments to Hungary, all can be customs cleared duty and tax free in case the shipments arrive to Hungary within 1 year after the person’s move to our country.
- Used household goods and personal effect are duty-free for diplomats, provided a Certificate is acquired by the related Embassy.
- Vehicles can be imported duty-free if equipped with a catalytic converter.
- U.S. made cars may need technical modification
- Documents required:
- Invoice or value-declaration signed by customer
- Copy of Passport
- Original Registration Papers
- Liability Insurance (not offered by insurance companies for U.S. made cars)
- Hungarian Power of Attorney (original with two witnesses signatures)
- Original Certificate from the Embassy
- Copy of Drivers License
- Valid Veterinary Certificate from origin country is required
- Wine and spirits
- Clients have possibility to import:
- 1 litre of alcohol - like whisky, gin, vodka, etc.
- 1 litre of wine
- 5 litre of beer
- Tobacco
- 200 pc cigarettes
- 100 pc small cigar
- 50 pc cigar
- Tea, coffee, cocoa and all kinds of spices except for paprika powder
- Perfume
- Weapons and explosives
- Drugs and narcotics
- Pornographic or obscene material
- Radio transmitters