Customs Information

Belgium - Diplomat


  • Inventory; showing continuous numbers and signature of client (copy of packing list)
  • Copy of passport showing client's signature and photograph
  • Declaration '136F' signed and stamped by persons with authority of the Embassy, and by the customer. This form is to be obtained by the Embassy.
  • Original Declaration '136F' signed and stamped by persons with authority of the Embassy, and by the customer. This form is to be obtained by the Embassy.
  • Returning diplomat will need a request and approved DL document instead of a 136F. This form is to be obtained by the Embassy)
  • Import Declaration (view SAMPLE) The (de)registration dates can also be the personal departure date and arrival date. 


  • Duty free entry for used household goods provided all the above documents can be supplied and the importation takes place within one year after the official change of residence.
  • Signature and stamps shown on the declaration '136F' must be on file at the customs house where the importation takes place. The unique diplomatic registration number must also be mentioned.


  • Copy of declaration '136F' for the vehicle, signed and stamped by persons with authority of the Embassy, and by the customer. Form to be obtained from the Embassy. Original needs to stay with the diplomat. 
  • Title of Ownership/Certificate of Title needs to be presented.
  • Value of the vehicle
  • If available but not mandatory:
  • A valid European insurance certificate will be required for clearance.
  • A Copy of the bill of sale or attest of value will need to be submitted with customs documents.

This is for the temporary clearance of the vehicle.
Any car/motorcycle of more than 50CC should follow this process.
The definite clearance normally is done by the Embassy and the client himself, as they have special regulations and license plates.


  • Import license
  • Health certificate / microchip    
  • rabies certificate
    • Pets must be identifiable (tattoo or an electronic identification system) and vaccinated against rabies


  • Wine, alcohol, new furniture and household goods:
  • Subject to import duties and VAT
  • Antiques:
  • Duty free, but subject to VAT
  • Presents and souvenirs: subject to import duties and VAT
  • Please always check in case clients want to ship items which are not 'normal' household goods and or personal effects. Diplomats might have authorization from their Embassy to import above items, duty free, but in this case they also will have to provide for these items, a separate declaration '136F' signed and stamped by persons with authority of the Embassy and by the customer. This form is to be obtained from the Embassy.


  • Food: Not allowed to be imported as part of house hold goods (removal goods), but customs will accept a normal family provision. No perishable food. To be loaded at the doors. 
  • Drugs
  • Tobacco
  • Please always check in case client wants to ship items which are not 'normal' household goods or personal effects.
  • Diplomats might have authorization from their Embassy to import above items, duty free, but in this case they also will have to provide for these items, a separate declaration '136F' signed and stamped by persons with authority of the Embassy, and by the customer. Form is to be obtained from the Embassy.