Customs Information

Hong Kong - Diplomat



  • All air shipments are physically inspected.
  • Surface shipments are physically inspected at random.


  • Only right-hand drive vehicles are permitted (driving is on the left).
  • Certain models are not accepted (must contact Transport Department for further details).
  • Very high duty and taxes
  • Vehicle must be owned by customer for more than 6 months.
  • Documents required:
  • Bill of Sale/Original Purchase Invoice.    
  • Export License in origin country stating engine and chassis number.
  • Registration Certificate showing the dimensions.
  • Deregistration Certificate 
  • Passport
  • Hong Kong Insurance Certificate
  • Drivers license
  • Authorization letter for Destination Agent to handle Customs clearance.
  • Full Exhaust Emission Test Certificate (should be obtained prior to departure from origin).
  • They must be reported to Transport Department within 14 days of arrival in Hong Kong.
  • Transport Department
    Licensing Division
    3/FL., United Centre


  • Quarantine may be required depending on the type of animal and the country of origin.
  • Documents required:
  • Health Certificate cannot be more than 14 days old and must be endorsed by a Government approved Veterinarian.
  • Rabies Vaccination must be administered at least 30 days before departure, but not more than six months before departure.
  • Import Permit issued by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and valid for 30 days from date of issue.
  • Both a Residence Certificate as well as an additional International Health Certificate must be prepared ad must be endorsed by the USDA/APHIS/VS
  • Special permits must be obtained in advance for the importation of animals and birds. Quarantine periods vary according to the animal's country of origin. Application forms for the permits may be obtained from:
  • The Agriculture and Fisheries Department
    12th Floor, Canton Road Government Offices
    393 Canton Road
    Kowloon, Hong Kong
    Tel: 852-733-2235


The following items are restricted for import and may attract customs duties and taxes.

  • Alcohol with an alcoholic strength of more than 30% by volume will attract duty at a rate of 100% of the value. No duty will be paid on liquor with an alcoholic strength of less than 30% by volume, including wine. Customers must declare all alcohol in the shipment on a list regardless of alcoholic strength or Customs may assess the duty payable on such liquor at the rate of HK$160 per liter.
  • Duties will be paid on any tobacco products.
  • Feathers, furs, skins, tusks, ivory, and certain agriculture products require an Export License, Certificate of Origin, an Import License and are subject to inspection by the Agriculture and Fisheries Department. Such items should not be included in your shipment.
  • Pesticides and radioactive substances.
  • to Alcohol Declaration


  • Narcotics & drugs
  • Medications
  • Plants, trees, vegetables (unless supported by a Phytosanitary Certificate and Import License).
  • Uncooked meat/poultry.
  • Pornographic material
  • Politically subversive material.
  • Weapons (including knives), ammunition, fireworks, explosives, etc.