Customs Information

Ecuador - Returning Citizen


Used household goods and personal effects can be imported duty-free into Ecuador on the following conditions:

  • Be advised that Ecuadorian Customs regulations only allow 1 shipment with duty-free entrance (Air or Maritime). Ecuadorian Customs regulations do not allow 2 shipments, not even paying taxes. If more than 1 container is being imported, those must be under the same OBL.
  • All boxes of clothes, shoes and accessories must be weight and cannot exceed 200kgs per person.
  • The owner of the goods must arrive in Ecuador before the vessel arrives.
  • The shipment may arrive within 2 months prior to, but no later than 6 months after the owner of the goods’ arrival to Ecuador.
    • If the shipment arrives after the owner of the goods, the owner of the goods cannot leave Ecuador for more than 30 calendar days after arrival of the owner of the goods.
  • Packing list must have a full description of each package, including pieces of clothes and exact number of packages.
List of admissible goods
  • To qualify for duty-free importation, the shipment must arrive within 60 days of the owner of the goods’ arrival.
  • An owner of the goods may import household goods duty free more than once if maintaining a residence in Ecuador for at least 5 years with no more than 150 days abroad during that time period.
  • Only one shipment may be admitted duty free and include only one item per type. 
    • Additional items are subject to the payment of duties, fines or confiscation
  • All returning citizens, after one year abroad are exonerated from taxes and duties.
  • Returning citizens shipments can arrive 30 to 180 days after the owner of the goods arrives and the owner of the goods can still be exonerated from taxes and duties; however, after this time the opportunity of exoneration has passed.
  • Returning citizens cannot import duty free if they have stayed in Ecuador for more than 60 days during the last year living abroad.
  • All shipments are subject to physical inspection at the port of entry (POE), except for diplomatic shipments. The customs operating technician can review only 15% of the total amount of goods imported by the returning migrant.
  • If the owner of the goods has electrical appliances they must specify year and serial number.
    • Customs accepts one electrical appliance of each type and extra will incur duties.


The following documents are required for customs clearance in Ecuador:

  • Passport (two color copy notarized in Ecuador)
  • Resident visa (returning citizens)
  • Contact information / complete address
  • Original bill of lading (OBL) / airway bill (AWB) (2 originals)
  • Value packing list in Spanish notarized and legalized at Ecuadorian Consulate at origin
  • Purchase receipts / sworn declaration stamped by Ecuadorian Consul at origin
  • Letter of employment valid for at least 12 months
  • Transportation insurance policy issued in Ecuador
  • Migratory certificate issued by Migration Police at destination
  • Verification certificate issued locally by inspection company


  • The import permit must be approved in Ecuador prior to import.
  • Vehicles must be mentioned at the end of the packing list and in the bill of lading with complete specification.
  • The acquisition price of the used vehicle and motorcycle shall be governed by the following criteria: Selling price when the model year was released to the market - (Selling price when the model year was released to the market * Annual depreciation percentage). The new regulations will not apply to imports shipped before their publication in the Official Gazette (July 27th, 2023), unless it benefits the migrant.  Please refer to:

  • Returning citizens may import one vehicle duty free as follows:
    • The citizen must have lived abroad for at least 3 years.
  • To be considered for tax exemption, the vehicle must:
    • Be more than 4 years old
    • Have an engine capacity of up to 3,000 cc
    • Be valued at no more than USD 20,000
    • Be inspected at origin prior to import.
  • Motorcycles must be valued at no more than USD 8,000 at the time of purchase and a motor capacity of 650 cc maximum
  • The vehicle is subject to duties of approximately 65% of cost, insurance, freight (CIF) value.
  • Returning citizens are allowed to import one vehicle as part of the owner of the goods household goods shipment.
    • It must be shipped in the same container as part of household goods. 


Clients may import up to three pets with the following documents:

  • The veterinary health certificate must be presented upon arrival if the pet is arriving with the owner of the goods and must be notarized by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) at least 10 days prior to departure and certified by the Consulate.
  • Pets arriving as cargo are subject to Customs clearance and potential quarantine.
  • Up to three dogs, cats and birds (or a combination thereof) may be imported.


  • New items and high value shipments will be subject to duties
  • Firearms, ammunition, dangerous objects - a permit from the Ministry of National Security is required for repatriating citizens or residents
  • Plants – a phytosanitary certificate and permit from the Ministry of Agriculture are required prior to import
  • Electronic appliances - duty-free entry is permitted for one of each type of article; additional items are approximately 43% of cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) value
  • Wine - 4 liters permitted and authorization of the Health Minister and Sanitary Register are required; duties of approximately 10% of cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) value apply
  • Precious metal objects, such as jewelry, coins, etc. are subject to taxes of 20% of value
  • Spare parts, machines, and appliances - a commercial invoice, import permit, inspection certificate, and original bill of lading / air waybill are required
  • Alcohol - Admissible if it does not exceed 50 liters in total and 2 liters for each commercial brand.
  • Cigarettes and cigars (permitted in reasonable quantities)


  • Narcotics and drugs
  • Pornographic materials
  • Firearms and ammunitions
  • Live plants
  • Foodstuffs, including spices
  • Cleaning products
  • Creams, colognes, perfumes and cosmetics
  • Appliances using refrigerant R12-R15: Refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifies etc. that operate with compressed gas containing CFC’s or with fluids type R-12 or R-502