Customs Information

Belize - All


Household goods and personal effects may be imported duty free into Belize if the owner of the goods can prove the following conditions.

  • Owner of the goods must be present for customs clearance process.
  • Household goods and personal effects must have been used for a minimum of one year
  • Returning Belize nationals must be able to prove that they have been out of the country for at least one year.
  • Household goods and personal effects must arrive within six months of owner's arrival


The following documents are required for import of household goods and personal effects into Belize:

  • Passport
  • Residence Permit or Work Permit
  • Inventory / Packing List
  • QRP - Qualified Retired Person (details obtained from the destination agent) 


  • Autos are examined by Customs for valuation depending on their condition and year of manufacture
  • Ownership papers required
  • Duties applicable
  • Boats require Import Permit (Permit is very difficult to obtain for boats made of wood)
  • Autos imported from the USA should have a US Customs Investigation for Theft stamp 


  • Hams being imported into the country are not duty free and will require an extra 35% import tax before being granted admission. Turkeys have an extra 40% duty applied to them.
  • All plant and plant products will require permission from the Belize Agricultural Health Authority (BAHA).
  • Meat and meat based products being imported will also require permission from the BAHA before being granted admission.
  • All cats and dogs being imported will require a special import permit from the Agriculture Department Belmopan. A general health certificate issued two weeks prior to your arrival is also required alongside a rabies vaccination certificate issued no less than a month before your visit begins.
  • Restrictions are placed on the importation of wooden furniture included in household effects and require an import license from the Ministry of Trade prior to importation.


  • Illegal drugs
  • Guns, explosives and ammunition
  • Knives and deadly weapons
  • Plant and plant products
  • Meat and meat products
  • Milk and poultry products
  • Hazardous material
  • Counterfeit money and goods
  • Pornographic material